An Evolution in Pellet Hormone Therapy Comes to RGV

Do you ever feel out-of-balance, like your hormones are running the show? We know just how frustrating—and uncomfortable—it can be when your hormones feel like they’re completely unravelling. Maybe you’ve tried getting them under control with hormone-replacement therapy before, but the daily treatment routine was too much to keep up with (who’s got the time, right?) or you felt like you’d just traded the ups and downs of hormone imbalance for the daily blastoff and crash of hormone therapy. Or maybe you’ve been reluctant to try HRT because you’ve heard the same. Maybe you just don’t like needles. Whatever the reason, we know how hopeless it can feel when it seems like there’s just no good way to take back control. Well, don’t give up just yet: the solution might be just around the corner.

EvexiPEL, a revolutionary approach to HRT that’s been in use around the country for 6 years, is now available in the Rio Grande Valley. This method is designed to help you regain your vigor, energy, libido, and enthusiasm, while also reducing the effects of aging, such as weight gain, muscle-mass loss, mood swings, and depression. With the help of EvexiPEL, you can rediscover your best self and feel younger, stronger, and more vital in middle age and beyond.

Experience freedom with EvexiPEL HRT

But what is EvexiPEL?

Well, it’s a method for administering bioidentical hormone-replacement therapy via subdermal pellets. “Thanks,” we hear you saying, “but what the hell does that mean?” Fair question. So let’s break it down, piece by piece, starting with HRT.

Hormone-Replacement Therapy

What is hormone-replacement therapy?

What is pellet hormone replacement therapy

We’ve covered hormone-replacement therapy in detail in an earlier post, but in a nutshell, HRT is a medical treatment designed to help alleviate symptoms in those who experience hormonal imbalances. Imbalances can occur due to age or conditions like menopause, resulting in a variety of symptoms such as fatigue, hot flashes, low libido, and even depression. HRT offers a solution to these symptoms by introducing hormones like testosterone and estrogen directly into the body through various methods, including pills, patches, gels, injections, and pellets.

HRT can be especially helpful for those seeking to rejuvenate their bodies and maintain their quality of life as they age. You may have heard of TRT, or testosterone-replacement therapy, a specific type of HRT designed for men with low testosterone levels (or “low T”). For women, the treatment is usually called HRT because it typically contains a combination of hormones like testosterone (yes, women need it to; just not as much), estrogen, or estradiol. With its ability to address hormone imbalances and their associated symptoms, HRT offers a promising way to reclaim your vitality and overall wellbeing.

Hormone Pellets

What are hormone pellets?

Hormone pellets are small, rice-sized pellets that contain hormones and are inserted under the skin near the hip. (That’s the subdermal part of that word salad up top.) And for the squeamish among us, fret not: the incision requires only minimal local anesthetic and can be sealed with a single stitch (or a small strip of surgical tape). Once in place, pellets release small, consistent doses of hormones into the body, usually for three to four months, providing a sustainable and convenient HRT method that mimics your body’s natural hormone production. Hormone pellets have been found very effective in managing symptoms of hormonal imbalance. They’re also used to treat conditions like osteoporosis, heart disease, and Alzheimer’s. In short, pellets are a safe, low-maintenance, and effective way to keep your hormones in check.

How are hormone pellets better than other HRT methods?

EvexiPEL Pellets provide a continuous and controlled release of hormones over several months.

Hormone pellets are a game-changer for those undergoing HRT. Topical or oral forms of HRT, like pills, patches, gels, and creams, deliver hormones in one burst that slowly dwindles over the next 24 hours or so. Pellets, on the other hand, provide a continuous and controlled release of hormones over several months—a natural, steady flow that eliminates the need for the daily dosages of those other methods. This controlled-release mechanism allows for a low-maintenance approach to hormone therapy. We’re talking about daily does versus quarterly here: we don’t know about you, but we’ll take the set-it-and-forget-it option.

And the continuous availability of the hormones in your body means that hormone levels remain stable throughout your treatment period, without the highs and lows of the quick-release methods. Less log flume, more smooth sailing. But the most significant advantage of pellets is that the hormones are absorbed directly into the bloodstream, bypassing the liver and GI tract, resulting in optimal hormone levels and reducing some of the side-effects associated with traditional HRT methods.

Bioidentical Hormones

What are bioidentical hormones?

What are bioidentical hormones?

Bioidentical hormones are lab-made hormones that replicate the exact chemical makeup of the hormones your body produces naturally. Unlike synthetic hormones, which can have potentially harmful long-term effects, bioidentical hormones are derived from plant sources and are chemically identical to the hormones your own endocrine system makes.

These hormones are compounded specifically for your individual needs and can be tailored to address a variety of hormone imbalances and symptoms associated with menopause, perimenopause, and other hormonal issues. With an increasing interest in natural treatment methods, bioidentical hormones are a promising option if you’re seeking a more personalized and natural approach to hormonal health.

How are bioidentical hormones better than synthetic hormones?

Bioidentical hormones offer several benefits over synthetic HRT. For one thing, they are considered safer, since they’re made from plant-based sources instead of synthetic ones, reducing the risk of side-effects. For another, bioidentical hormones are more effective, since they’re formulated to match your unique hormone levels. This means that the hormone cocktail in your pellets is tailored to you, resulting in an optimal outcome for you. No wonder bioidentical hormones have become an increasingly popular way to manage the symptoms of hormonal imbalance.

What makes EvexiPEL different?

EvexiPEL uses a better insertion method.

EvexiPEL’s advanced insertion method all but eliminates extrusion mishaps—and trust us, you want that. And its steady-dose technology is designed to ensure that you’ll get the same results from every pellet. But it’s not just about the hormones: the EvexiPEL method also prioritizes your comfort. Thanks to a special insertion tool, the procedure is quick and virtually painless.

How are bioidentical hormones better than synthetic hormones?

EvexiPEL provides a steadier hormone supply.

If you’re currently getting HRT but want a more controlled and consistent hormone supply, EvexiPEL might do the trick for you. And if you’re new to the club, let us clue you in: the way that older, daily HRT methods like pills, patches, or gels work can give you fluctuating hormone levels throughout the day. (Remember the roller coaster of puberty? Who wouldn’t want to ride that again?) EvexiPEL, on the other hand, delivers hormones directly into the bloodstream, ensuring a steadier and more regulated hormone supply—and a smoother ride can mean greater symptom relief and overall improvement in quality of life.

Optimum Women's & Men's Health is EvexiPEL certified
EvexiPEL provides a steadier hormone supply.

EvexiPEL is tailored to you.

But maybe the coolest thing about EvexiPEL method is its personalized approach. Unlike many traditional treatments, EvexiPEL adjusts its formula specifically to you. This isn’t a one-size-fits-all or off-the-rack treatment; it’s a bespoke experience, tailored to fit your unique hormone levels, body, and lifestyle. By delivering a personalized dose of hormones directly into your bloodstream, EvexiPEL achieves the optimal hormone balance to help you feel your best. Whether you’re suffering from hot flashes, mood swings, or plain-old middle-age malaise, EvexiPEL is a solution designed with you in mind.

EvexiPEL method is its personalized approach specific to you

What can you expect with EvexiPEL?

At Optimum Health, your EvexiPEL treatment begins with comprehensive hormone testing to determine your individual needs. From there, we work with you to create a personalized plan for pellet insertion that slowly releases your unique hormone cocktail over several months. You can expect symptom relief, such as improved energy and mood, within just a few weeks. And to ensure optimal results, follow-up appointments are scheduled to monitor progress and make any necessary adjustments. EvexiPEL can be an incredible tool for taking control of your hormonal health and getting back to living your best life.

At Optimum Women’s Health, we think the EvexiPEL method is the next evolution in HRT. Like no method before it, it consistently gives you a long-lasting, steady supply of your unique cocktail of natural hormones designed to match the ones your own body makes. And its advanced insertion method makes the process quick, painless, and reliable. That’s why we’re proud to bring EvexiPEL to the RGV and share this unprecedented hormone-therapy experience with our community. So whether you’re looking for more energy, a better mood, a smaller dress size, or just your long-lost groove, you might consider giving EvexiPEL a try. Book an appointment or drop by our clinic in Pharr to chat with our welcoming, all-female staff, and find out whether EvexiPEL could help you restore balance, rejuvenate energy, and renew vitality.