Listen, it happens to all of us. As we get older, our bodies start to slow down. Maybe you’ve started to notice: you’re still putting in the hours at the gym, but you’re just not seeing the results you used to. Maybe you’re finding you can’t go as hard as you did in your twenties and thirties, or that you spend so much time recovering from a workout that leg day starts to feel like leg week. Or worse yet, you are bulking up, but these days it’s looking more like a donut than the slim fit you once had.

Your friends are singing the praises of TRT & HRT therapy, all about how he feels ten years younger—but maybe you’re not quite ready to take the plunge. Or you are getting but still feel like you could be doing more. Whether you’re looking to dip your toe into the water or dive a little deeper, vitamin therapy might be just what you need.

Vitamins? Really?

Yes, really. But we’re not talking about the Flintstones chewables you took as a kid. These are big-boy vitamins (along with amino acids and minerals), administered via injection or IV, and customized to your individual needs. Vitamin therapy is quickly gaining popularity as a way to give the body a boost of essential nutrients it may be lacking. And it doesn’t just give you immediate benefits like increased energy and immune support; it can also have longer-term benefits for your overall wellbeing. So whether you’re looking to reclaim your gains or just optimize your health, vitamin therapy is a unique approach you might want to consider.

Tri-immune is the best good defense vitamin booster

But not all vitamin therapies are the same, so let’s look at four popular injectable options so you can decide which one (or ones) might be right for you.

MICC: Reclaim Lost Vigor

First up is MICC, which stands for Methionine, Inositol, Choline, and Cyanocobalamine (or Carnitine). A blend of essential vitamins and amino acids that work together to boost your metabolism and energy levels, this one’s the jack-of-all-trades of the bunch. The cyanocobalamine is a form of B-12, the active ingredient in 5-Hour Energy, which—you guessed it—works to give you an energy boost.

Reclaim Lost Vigor with a healthier lifestyle and vitamins

But it also boosts your memory function and can help with symptoms of anemia. The other amino acids improve circulation, increasing your endurance, stamina, and performance. And if you’re dieting to slim down, the metabolic boost you’ll get from MICC can increase your weight loss by 1–2 pounds per week. Other benefits you may notice are improved deep sleep; healthier hair, skin, and nails; and improved mood. If you’re curious about vitamin therapy (and why else would you be reading this?), MICC’s wide array of benefits makes it a great place to start.

LIPO: Shed Extra Pounds

If you’re focused specifically on losing weight, LIPO might be the ticket you need to get your weight-loss journey off to a strong start. It’s a complex of B vitamins (B-3, B-6, and B-9 for the vitamin nerds out there) that’s often called the “skinny shot.” And like the nickname implies, these vitamins supercharge your metabolism and promote fat-burning. 

And by helping your body more efficiently convert proteins and fats into energy, this shot will give you a nice boost, too. But LIPO doesn’t just help you lose weight; it also supports your nervous system, reducing anxiety and stress. Used alongside shots containing amino acids, like MICC or GAC (more on that coming up), LIPO is a great way to increase your gains (or losses).

LIPO helps you focus on energy to burn fat

GAC: Maximize Your Gains

Next up is GAC, or Glutamine, Arginine, and Carnitine. This puppy is all amino acids, a powerful combination that aids in muscle recovery and regeneration. By increasing the oxygen your muscles get from your blood, it fights fatigue and muscle breakdown, meaning you’ll be less sore after a long workout and ready to hit it just as hard tomorrow.

Not only does GAC help with muscle growth and restoration during recovery, it also works to boost endurance and stamina during workouts, meaning you can exercise longer, harder, and more often to truly maximize those gains. This makes it a perfect fit for athletes, gym rats, or anyone looking to build mass fast. 

GAC Boosters help with muscle recovery and regeneration
GAC Boosters help with muscle recovery and regeneration

Plus, with its ability to regenerate cells, GAC also supports your overall health and wellness. And by providing your body with essential amino acids you might not be getting in your food, it can supplement a less-than-ideal (read “realistic”) diet. Looking to take it to the next level? GAC’s your go-to to give yourself the edge.

Tri-Immune: The Best Offense Is a Good Defense

With summer winding down… Who are we kidding? We’re stuck with triple digits for another month at least. But that won’t stop the darn kids from going back to school. And you know what that means: germs.

And it’s pretty hard to focus on sick gains when you can’t breathe through your nose and your head feels like a leaky aquarium that hasn’t had its filter cleaned in a year. That’s where Tri-Immune comes in. (Bet you can’t guess what this one does.) It’s a powerful combination of vitamin C, zinc, and magnesium that’ll support your immune system, reduce inflammation, and heal your body. Ounce o’ prevention, pound o’ cure, you know the deal. So get your flu shot in one arm, Tri-Immune in the other, and stay in the game.

Are vitamin's really going to improve my health and well being?

One Last Thing…

Now I’m sure you’re already halfway out the door to go get yourself some sweet, sweet vitamins—but slow your roll just a second there, hoss. As with any course of therapy, there are some important considerations to keep in mind here. You’ve got to consult with a healthcare professional to determine whether the therapy is appropriate for you, not to mention the correct dosage to take. (Plus, some of these supplements may interact with medications you’re already taking, so you need to make sure you’re in the clear there first.)

And remember: vitamin supplements aren’t a substitute for a healthy diet and lifestyle. These shots aren’t magic bullets. They work in conjunction with your own diet and exercise regimen to enhance your results; you’re not going to get shredded just sitting on the couch with a bag of shredded cheese. (Look, I’m not judging anybody here—just being realistic.) But if you’re ready to get back on your game and maximize your gains, then make an appointment or drop by our clinic in Pharr and see how we can help you reach your goals.